Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Beginning of Something

I've been writing on the Internet since 1996. That's over 8 years now. And today I am only just beginning my first regular blog. Yes, I'm going to try hard to make this a part of my daily regime. I've seen so many impressive blogs around that this commitment seems a daunting one -- and gourd knows how commitment-phobic I am. So ... why am I doing this now?

I guess vanity is a big part of this. But it's also a yearning to want to deal with the wild and often wooly thoughts that run through my head. By committing them to a server-space somewhere, it means that I can organise my ideas, re-examine them in the future, maybe even apologise for them if necessary.

I was offered a chance to write a fortnightly column by a major English newspaper some months ago. I didn't decline the invitation - I just never seriously took it up. Maybe this is where I can start fiddling around with the notion of a regular output of writing. I do know that once I get started, I can go on, and even can be quite satisfied by the end result. Yes, vanity is indeed the motive behind this sudden need to commit. Let's see what happens from now on.

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